Stop Cheese-Grating your Soul

I’ve been deeply appreciating the talks that Thomas Hübl gave at NPI a few weeks ago, titled the Mystical Principles of Healing (part one and part two).


Now, if it ever feels like you’re cheese-grating your soul in a gray wasteland devoid of all life, meaning, connection, and soul, this is not a good place to be!

At some point in life, we’re all likely to find ourselves in tactical hell, a place where our potential feels completely collapsed and nothing seems possible. We might say, “it just is this way” or “I have no power to change the situation.” As Henry David Thoreau observed:

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”

When we’re in this place, we can’t just try harder at what we’ve been trying.

That’s probably what got us here!

Somehow, we need to take a new step outside of our old patterns, and often outside of the rat race itself.

At first, we have no idea what this new step could be.

So, we have to pause everything that we are currently trying.

A few minutes to pause every day could be enough for this.


During this time the goal is simply to clear the mind and rest in feeling.

We do this without trying too hard, until a faint glimmer of mental spaciousness starts to appear.

Through presence, we are creating a clearing where the UFO of new potential can touch down.

By creating this mental space, we are allowing new information from our wider nervous system to reach our consciousness.

At first this may mean getting more in touch with how bad’s it been. There may be a lot of gunk down there that’s been bottled up over the years. We may feel anxiety, sadness, physical pain, nausea or just plain BAD.

Thankfully, with consistent practice our high quality presence metabolizes the gunk.

Over time, more and more feeling emerges.

Our wider nervous system becomes a clear wellsping that sparkles with magical knowing.

Realizations and insights emerge from the depths that guide our life better than we ever could.

We discover who we really are. As Ram Das put it:

“The ego is who we think we are. The soul is who we really are.”

With this knowlege we feel a sense of deep purpose and meaning.

The candle is worth the game and life has value again.

The gray wasteland reveals magical pockets where life is unfolding and calling to us:

“Come play!”


The See-Saw of Relationship Satisfaction


How do you Magic?