for ADHD


How to Thrive with an ADHD-Brain

If you're struggling with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), you are not alone. It is a common reason people seek therapy. Although ADHD is usually found in adolescents, many adults realize later in life that their ADHD has gone undiagnosed.

Stimulant medications have become virtually synonymous with ADHD, but simply medicating without addressing nervous system patterns is a crude approach that creates ongoing dependency & undesirable side effects such as artificial energy patterns & diminishment in empathy, self-awareness, embodiment & access to intuition.

Thankfully, there is another approach that aligns with your neurodiversity & your nervous system. Whether on or off medication, somatic therapy helps you better understand how your brain works and to construct and tailor a life that works for you.

"Everyone shines, given the right lighting." - Susan Cain

You can learn to shift the underlying patterns of your nervous system to lower anxiety & increase attention span, distress tolerance & emotional range.

Common Symptoms of ADHD

Inattentive Type

  1. Difficulty sustaining attention

  2. Easily distracted

  3. Poor organization

  4. Forgetfulness & losing items

  5. Avoidance of tasks requiring mental effort

Hyperactive/Impulsive Type

  1. Excessive motor activity

  2. Restlessness, fidgeting, or inability to remain still

  3. Impulsive behavior without regard to consequences

  4. Difficulty engaging in quiet activities

  5. Excessive talking

  6. Risk-taking behaviors, e.g. substance use or reckless driving

What is ADHD and What is Trauma?

ADHD is a neurobiological developmental disorder, meaning it relates to the brain, runs in families, and impacts developmental progress and ability to learn. At least 5% of people are diagnosed with ADHD at some point in their lives.

ADHD involves dopamine insensitivity, which drives short-term reward seeking and involves nervous system dysregulation, difficulty feeling strong emotions & difficulty soothing anxiety.

It gets more complicated because developmental trauma can produce similar symptoms to ADHD:

  • Hypervigilance & hyperarousal can mimmic distractibility & hyperactivity

  • Dissociation can mimmic inattention and “daydreaming”

  • Triggers & defensive responses can mimic impulsivity and aggression

  • Both ADHD & trauma affect brain areas responsible for emotional regulation, decision making, memory, social processing and concentration

There is overlap as most people with ADHD have at least some developmental trauma as well, e.g. bullying, illness, or being raised by a parent with ADHD or narcissism or who was misattuned or unavailable.

The differences & similarities between ADHD & trauma are illustrated below:

Source: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 2016

Genetic research does indicate that ADHD exists outside of trauma. Certain brains are inherently more prone to risk taking, opportunism, and action. These traits must carry some evolutionary advantage, for example in hunting, war & exploration.

Unfortunately, the ADHD-brain is not catered to well in our one-size-fits-all modern civilized culture, particularly within schools & traditional work settings that require sustained concentration on tasks with low reward rates.

Treatment for ADHD

Two approaches are valid and come in handy in working with ADHD:

A neurodiversity perspective respects the underlying differences of an ADHD brain and strives to gain understanding and build a life that works well for this kind of brain.

A trauma-informed perspective looks for nervous system dysregulation & strives to lower anxiety & activation & increase emotional availability.

We show you a range of practices that soothe your anxiety and support nervous system regulation. These practices allow “triggered” or anxious energy to release from your body bringing you back to a restful, parasympathetic state. Over time, your nervous system learns to do this for itself and becomes self-regulating and able to withstand more distress & stronger emotional states without needing to employ its ADHD behaviors.

We help you to build a personalized tool-kit for managing your symptoms of ADHD to build a life that works for you.

Somatic Therapy for ADHD discharges activation in Los Angeles, California & online

Understanding ADHD from a Somatic Perspective

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Contact us today. We have a diverse group of therapists who can provide in-person therapy in Los Angeles and online coaching around the world.

We would be happy to answer your questions and support you as you take steps toward the life you want for yourself.