How to Face your Fear

You gain strength courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You’re able to say to yourself, I have lived through this horror. I will be able to take the next thing that comes along. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.

- Eleanor Roosevelt

Last week we talked about facing avoidances.

The most important thing to face is your own fear. Once you are comfortable with your own fear, you are able to face anything.

Where there is avoidance, there is fear, and where there is fear, there is numbness, or parts of your body that you don’t feel due to the fear.

This is because, fear ejects you from the body into thinking, action, or dissociation.

Like a blockage in a pipe or a frozen layer of ice, fear keeps you from feeling much of your experience. You may not even realize how little you feel, as it has become normalized.

By feeling your fear and experiencing your numbness or lack of feeling, you begin to free the blockage or melt the ice.

Gradually, more of your experience comes into view. The bandwidth between body and brain widens. Once you are online and streaming your experience, everything becomes a flow of information. Other feelings like sadness, anger and joy may now rise to the surface to be metabolized.

You are no longer frozen or ejected by fear.

You are ready to do the hard thing.


Don’t Grow Up, Just Grow


On Doing the Hard Thing